How do I display my Law Firm, Lawyers phone number, booking, and contact features enable?

If you want to enable Law Firm and Lawyers contact phone number and extra feature like booking system, you must claim your profile and submit verification document. 

Note : To use this feature, your profile should be upgraded to Platinum Membership Plan.

Why my profile is not showing up in home page as a lawyer?

In order to get display your profile in home page as a lawyer, you must claim your profile and verified. If you need help, give us a call. Thank you.

Why my phone number and social icon is not displaying under my profile as a lawyer?

In order to display phone number, social icon, and booking feature, you must claim your profile and get verified status. If you need help, give us a call. Thank you.

 Note : To use this feature, your profile should be upgraded to Platinum Membership Plan.

How Can We Claim Profiles, Which are already Listed?

Inorder to claim listed profiles, open the profile you want to claim, there you will see the Claim Now button. Click on it then fill the form to complete the steps.
Note : You need to be logged in to claim a Profile.

How to verify profile as a Lawyer?

To verify your profile, you need to submit your document which shows that you are working as a lawyer at present time. 

Note : Citizenship Card is not acceptable.

Can I book Online Appointment with Lawyers?

Yes , You can. Search lawyers and visit lawyer's profile you like and Book Consult with them.

Does it cost to get listed in Nepal Lawyer Platform?

No, it is totally free. There is no charge or pay money to get listed in NepalLawyer.com platform. So Lawyers or Law Firms hurry and get listed for free. Limited time offer only.

Why should we get listed in NepalLawyer.com platform?

If you get listed with NepalLawyer.com, you will get following advantages.

  • > Our clients from all over the world can find you easily, that means you will have great potential to your business.
  • > Your profile can be found in major search engine like google, yahoo, bing and many others
  • > There is no fee for regular listing,
  • > You will have opportunity to build your credibility
  • > You will have great potential to reach your customers
  • > You will get discount on building amazing website for your company
  • > We will do free SEO when we build your company website, and more

Can we advertise with NepalLawyer.com ?

Yes; you can, please contact us for more detail.

How long does it takes to get approve? So, we can update our profile?

We usually approve lawyer's new profile within 48 hours time frame. If you submit more documents that prove it is genuine, we may approve quicker.

Did not find your answer?

Just call at 977-014542864