As an experienced lawyer, I specialize in both civil and criminal cases with a particular focus on Family Law. In my practice, I have developed a strong knowledge and expertise in acquiring and transferring property, as well as in the legal procedures involved in finalizing a divorce. I am also experienced in providing legal assistance related to maintenance of family relationships.

With regards to Family Law, I understand the complexities of property laws and can assist clients in navigating the various procedures involved in acquiring and transferring property. This can include issues related to ownership, disputes, and the legal requirements for transferring property.

When it comes to divorce, I provide expert legal advice and support throughout the entire process, from filing the petition for divorce to representing my clients in court. I am knowledgeable about the legal requirements for divorce, and can help clients finalize the process in a way that is fair and equitable for all parties involved.

In addition to my expertise in property and divorce matters, I also have experience providing legal assistance related to maintaining family relationships. This can include matters related to custody, guardianship, visitation rights, and other issues that arise in the context of Family Law.

Overall, I am a highly skilled and experienced lawyer with a focus on providing expert legal advice and representation in a range of areas, particularly in Family Law. I am dedicated to helping my clients achieve their legal goals and protecting their rights and interests in the process.

पारिवारिक कानुनः कोर्ट म्यारिज, सम्बन्ध विच्छेद (अंश नदिई, अंश लिई, भरण पोषण खर्च भराई, बच्चाको पालन पोषण सहित, बिदेशमा बसेर मुद्दा गर्न मिल्ने समेत) अंशवण्डा, मानचामल, हक कायम, अपुताली आदी । 

फौजदारी कानुनः चोरी, डाँका, ठगी, बैदेशिक रोजगारी ठगी, कर्तब्य ज्यान, करणी सम्बन्धी लागुऔषध, 

कम्पनी कानुनः कम्पनी दर्ता, अध्यावधिक, शेयर खरिदबिक्रि, उद्योग दर्ता, वाणिज्य दर्ता, कर, बैदेशिक लगानी, निर्माण ब्यवसायी ईजाजत लगायत । 

धन्यावाद ।

Kathmandu School Of Law
Nepal Law Campus
Third Eye Law Associate , Anamnagar, kathmandu
Mijar Law Associates , Anamnagar 29, Kathmandu.
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उद्योग दर्ता कहाँ र कसरी गर्ने?

कुनै पनि उद्योग आधिकारिक रुपमा संचालन गर्नका लागि दर्ता गराउनु पर्छ। दर्ता नगरी चलाएमा त्यसलाई गैरकानुनी मानिनेछ र कारवाहीमा पनि पर्न सकिने सम्भावना हुन्छ। तर उद्योग केकसरी कहाँ गएर दर्ता गराउने तपाईलाई थाहा छ? यसका लागि केके कागजात चाहिन्छ होला र कति दस्तुर तिर्नुपर्छ? यो लेखमा हामीले उद्योग के कसरी र कहाँ गएर दर्ता गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने बारेमा जानकारी दिएका छौँ। कहाँ दर्ता गर्ने? सानो उद्योग खोल्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने घरेलु तथा साना उद्योग कार्यालयमा गएर दर्ता गराउन सकिन्छ। ठूलो उद्योग हो भने सम्बन्ध Read More ...

Posted at : July 15, 2019
Corporate Law

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    Janak Parsad Pandey
    Janak Parsad Pandey says:
    3 years ago |

    He is good lawyer in Kathmandu. He work honestly and convincing lawyer. I want to referred him for the case of court.

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    Eman Singh Rana
    Eman Singh Rana says:
    3 years ago |

    Advocate Mijar is experienced family lawyer in kathmandu. He has good knowledge case proceeding court and advocacy. I refer to him.

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    Third Eye Law
    Third Eye Law says:
    3 years ago |

    he is the best legal consultant, he gives time to our cases, especially he have more knowledge Divorce and Ansha Banda, and civil cases

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    Parbati Mangrati
    Parbati Mangrati says:
    3 years ago |

    He is best professional lawyer. He deals the cases related to property, marriage relation, divorce with property, and so on. Please direct contact him

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    Indra kalikote
    Indra kalikote says:
    2 years ago |

    Advocate mijar is more dynamic lawyer. He carry the different ideas to solve legal question. He have knowledge case settlement in court. So that I referring to advocate mijar. Thank you .

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