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Can I claim my grandfather land which is occupied by another person as swabashi?
  • posted by Rojesh Shrestha |
  • 10 months ago
We came to know about the land recently and one of the person who was assigned by my grandfather to look after the land when he came to kathmandu from Bhaktapur. He died here and my father and his brothers were small and doesnot know about it. Currently, I came to know that , our land 's lalpurja has been claimed by that person as swabashi. How to claim it?
How to my ancestors land after 50 years? I just came to know about it
  • posted by Rojesh Shrestha |
  • 10 months ago
I want to ask, will I able to claim my grandfather's property that I came to know recently after 56 years. I came to know from locals of that vicinity regarding our land and currently adopted child of my grandfather's father is living there .My father have not received any property from his father. I talked with that person regarding that land but they said we have already made lalpurja as swabashi 1/2 years ago , you should have come earlier, now its our land.In this case, we are down because we don't have any proof accept one legal document where it is mentioned that this land belongs to Ganesh Bahadur wa shrestha ( My grandfather) and you are as a care taker (that person). Its been already 56 years . My father is alive along with his 2 brothers. my grandfather died when his childs were very small due to which his childrens couldn't enjoy his property. When I visit my native land , locals who know my grandfather still says that your ancestors have lots of land and haven't done Bhagbandha yet, go and search but As a grand child I came to know just few days ago from my uncle. Is there any chance for me or my father to claim that land?
1 year agadi dhito pas bhako jagga kinnda dhito pass garneko wife le firta garna pauxa?
  • posted by Hem Rai |
  • 2 years ago

Namaste. Maile 1 month agadi X sanga  10 kattha jagga kineko thiye. Jun chai 1 year agadi X le Y lai dhito pass gareko thiyo. Aahile jaggako bato ko quality badheko karan X ko wife le ghar salla nabhai becheko le jagga firta pau bhani case gareko xa . Pheri jaggako thaili yekdam minimum rakhiyeko xa. Shoud i fight or make compromises? Thnak you in advance.

NRN Buying Land in Nepal
  • posted by Jay Jay |
  • 2 years ago


I am a NRN living in USA. I am looking for buying land in Nepal. My parents are Nepali citizen. I have not inherited any propery from my parents yet. I have not bought any land on Nepal yet. Can i buy land in Nepal or Can I not buy land because of my parents having anncestral property in Nepal? Thank you in Advance 
