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About self earned property of my grandfather
  • posted by Samuel Kandangwa |
  • 3 weeks ago
My grandfather has been sick for few months now. I want to take him to KTM for better treatment but he only has few plot of land in village the value of land is not much. Can he sell the land as per his will or has to give his self earned property to his 3 son.
About Drugs Case
  • posted by Pradip Bharati |
  • 5 months ago
Jaslya ujhuri haleyko xa tyo sanga chinjaan kai xaina kaam nai tyasto xaina mero hawa ma naam matrae mileyko xa aaru jammai galat xa yesto hudani jail haldinxa vaneyra daraunu parney desh poisa khuwaunu parney yo desh ma jamma kai link xaina naam matrae mileyko xa tyaeni yesto garo lagheyrakoxa anyone can you help me out?
yes barema kei kanuni sujhab dinu hunchaki bhanne mero prasna?
  • posted by Santosh Rai |
  • 9 months ago
Mero nam santosh rai ho. Mero janmasthan bhojpur ho tara bachhai dekhi bua ama kathmandu chirnu bhayo ilamko lagi. Ahile pheri hamile bhojpurmai jagga liyera ghar banako chau. Ahile hamro chimeki harule khane paniko bisaya liyera dherai tanab diraheko cha. Hamile pani gharma laijada bichma pipe khuskayera nuhaune ghari afno bari tira pani halni jabaki hamro gharmakhane pani chaina yei bisayalai liyera ali charka charki pani huncha. Kaile kai hamile lyako pani ho upabhoktako kura garera hochyauna khojchan aba
Accident bhayako kati samma puachar garnu parxa third person laie discharge bhayara Ako 1 yrs bhaesakyo?
  • posted by Kalpana Thapa |
  • 9 months ago
2081 magsirma accident bhayako 1 yr bhaesakyo Sancho bhayara hospital le discharge diyako Ali Ali paisa Dina thiyo uniharulaie . Hamile kahile samma treatment expenses tirnu parne hora limition xaenara kehi . Ahile feri nibedan Dina axan re aba insurance ma ni process garna diyana hamile insurance paisani paxaenau ajha samma. Aba k gardae thik hola.
Can I report against my ex who lied to me about marriage and break up after 3 years?
  • posted by Pratibha Rai |
  • 9 months ago
Me and my ex were together for 3 years till he broke up with me without an valid reason. He started talking abt our future and our kids and settling outside, in which I did apply for overseas as he cannot apply. After the breakup, i talked to his sister which I found out he has not told about me to his family which he keep telling he is planning for me to meet his family. His sister also told me he does not go home every night when he calls me when he reach home. I found out there is lots of things he has lied abt, We had no problem in our relationship. I was the one who supported him with finance. And all of a sudden he broke up. What should i do?
How to acknowledge case when you are abroad?
  • posted by Sapana Nepal |
  • 9 months ago
I am currently staying abroad. I got information that someone filed a case against me in court. However, I received this news from informal source. The address filed in the case record is wrong. So, how will the court inform me regarding the case? Should I go to Nepal immediately? Because it is very difficult for me to arrange my leave.
Can I claim my grandfather land which is occupied by another person as swabashi?
  • posted by Rojesh Shrestha |
  • 10 months ago
We came to know about the land recently and one of the person who was assigned by my grandfather to look after the land when he came to kathmandu from Bhaktapur. He died here and my father and his brothers were small and doesnot know about it. Currently, I came to know that , our land 's lalpurja has been claimed by that person as swabashi. How to claim it?
What if i get physically assulted by my schoolmates? Do they will get punishment?
  • posted by Sandesh Bam |
  • 10 months ago
I am a SEE student. I think some of my schoolmates are planning to physically assault me at the last day of SEE examination. Due to this issue i cannot focus on my examination. If they assault me, do I get legal remedies(help)?? Please reply. I just think that because one of them messaged my brother to assault me without my fault. Please give me information what i have to do if they assualt me???
How to my ancestors land after 50 years? I just came to know about it
  • posted by Rojesh Shrestha |
  • 10 months ago
I want to ask, will I able to claim my grandfather's property that I came to know recently after 56 years. I came to know from locals of that vicinity regarding our land and currently adopted child of my grandfather's father is living there .My father have not received any property from his father. I talked with that person regarding that land but they said we have already made lalpurja as swabashi 1/2 years ago , you should have come earlier, now its our land.In this case, we are down because we don't have any proof accept one legal document where it is mentioned that this land belongs to Ganesh Bahadur wa shrestha ( My grandfather) and you are as a care taker (that person). Its been already 56 years . My father is alive along with his 2 brothers. my grandfather died when his childs were very small due to which his childrens couldn't enjoy his property. When I visit my native land , locals who know my grandfather still says that your ancestors have lots of land and haven't done Bhagbandha yet, go and search but As a grand child I came to know just few days ago from my uncle. Is there any chance for me or my father to claim that land?